“Agouti Environment”, founded by Alon Topchik, an environmental engineer, consults in varied environmental subjects such as air pollution, ground pollution, hazardous materials and etc.
The guide line of “Agouti Environment”, is the “sustainable development” principle while taking into account both the environmental/health issues and the planning and economic issues involved in the decision making process in each existing or futuristic project.
To balance these considerations there has to be profound understating of the factories or enterprisers needs and the environmental implications of its actions. The environmental implications of each case has to be analyzed on its own without using “hunches” or general estimations in making the decision. Thus, damage to the environment can be avoided while keeping development and industrial activity. “Agouti Environment” believes that the client should be involved in all environmental decisions. Therefore, each alternative is represented to the client along its advantages, disadvantages and financial cost. As an environmental company “Agouti Environment” sees itself responsible for all environmental issues derived from the project. Accordingly, each project and its derivatives is followed from start to finish while coordinating with other services (such as monitoring, evacuation of ground and etc.) and keeping the client involved in the decisions. Furthermore, “Agouti Environment” believes that keeping the authorities informed leads to better solutions and prevents unnecessary delays in the project. Thus, the company endeavors to be in contact with the authorities in order to achieve cooperation and full agreement during a project. In conclusion, as an environmental company “Agouti Environment” gives a client full accompaniment in varied environmental subjects while keeping schedules. In addition, the company believes that efficient service includes dependable and successive report during the project.
Agouti Environment
Address: 11 Melacha Street
Phone: 02-9923659, Mobile (Alon): 050-5598919
Email: info@agouti.co.il